hi, i'm grace yan

computer science student at UC Irvine

my experience


ICS Student Council — UC Irvine

November 2024 - Present

Software Developer for AntAlmanac, a course exploration and planning tool.


Ciphorama — Software Engineer Intern

Janurary - August 2023

Interned for startup focusing on digital assets risk management
Built front-end user interfaces using ReactJS with Ant Design and AntV G6 graph visualization engine


Cisco — Software Engineering Summer Extern

Summer 2022

Interviewed senior engineers & glanced into life working at a tech company.
Mentored by Cisco software engineer, researched into detecting pneumonia in lung X-rays with AI

my projects


Ask a Cougar

reactjs, supabase, html, css

Ask a Cougar is web app developed as part of a service project to help answer questions about the high school experience.

Used by over 300 students at Evergreen Valley High School and 200 middle school students

view github


reactjs, html, css

Musication is a website that aims to expose people to the various types of instruments in a classical setting.

Second Place, Ctrl+Shift 2022

view github


reactjs, firebase, html, css

I developed and currently maintain the official website for WhizFin, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that aims to educate people on financial literacy.

view github

Educated Brainstorm

reactjs, firebase, html, css

Educated Brainstorm is a web app developed by me and my hackathon teammates as a hybrid work solution with a task management and point system.

Entry for 2022 Cisco Bridgehacks
(Cisco High School Shadow Program)

view github

Growing Tree

reactjs, firebase, html, css

An online school from the cloud. This project was my first React web application and is undergoing heavy modification right now.

view github


discord.js, mysql

Kore is a multipurpose discord bot that is extremely customizable with moderation, economy, and fun features and commands.

Hosting servers are down but the website and source code are still accessible

website github


java, twitch4J, bukkit api

Plug-in to integrate Twitch live chat with Minecraft in-game events.

Used by multiple Twitch livestreamers with >6k subscribers



java, bukkit api

A Minecraft plug-in to play bingo on servers, with dynamic GUI and multiplayer support
